Tiki Bobble

flash_on flash_on flash_on flash_on flash_on
Players Number 1-2
Games Languages IT - EN
Interactive Table Interactive wall

Tiki Bobble is the most famous puzzle in the world! Set in a fantastic tropical atmosphere, you can challenge your friends by bursting bubbles and completing the levels as soon as possible! Enter the ranking!


Tiki Bobble is a puzzle game where played on different levels in which the goal is to eliminate the colored spheres attached to the top of the ceiling before they reach the bottom of the screen. A cannon is the tool used to direct and launch the new spheres and pair them with those stuck at the top trying to create groups, of minimum 3 spheres, of the same color. When you form a group, the spheres burst allowing further launches. During the game, the ceiling of the level drops down making the game more and more difficult. Your goal is to calibrate the launches well to eliminate all the spheres in the shortest time possible. At the end of the time available, the game is finished and you enter the Ranking.
The game is available for any type of touch screen display connected to a PC. The game is optimized to be used on interactive table devices or on wall landscapes.

Other Games

flash_on flash_on flash_on flash_on flash_on


Players Number 1-2
Games Languages IT
Interactive Table Interactive wall
flash_on flash_on flash_on flash_on flash_on

Travel Quiz

Players Number 1-3
Games Languages IT - EN
Interactive Table Interactive wall
flash_on flash_on flash_on flash_on flash_on

Stickers Game

Players Number 1-4
Games Languages IT - EN
Interactive Table Interactive wall


To create your own interactive area with Game Suite, all you need a PC with 64bits and Windows 10. Choose the preferred game combination and ask for your FREE TRIAL: you will be able to play and test all the features of the suite.

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