Recycle Game

flash_on flash_on flash_on flash_on flash_on
Players Number 1-2
Games Languages IT - EN
Interactive Table Interactive wall

How good are you at waste sorting? This is the right time to really learn how to do it! Plastic, paper, glass and organic. You have to catch waste falling down together with the recycling bin, but be careful to catch the right ones! At each level, you can discover many interesting curiosities about waste.


The Recycling game is played on 4 levels with different types of waste to collect: paper, glass and cans, plastic and organic waste. To pass a level, you have to collect all the correct waste possible. With every waste item collected correctly, you earn 50 points; but be careful, you will lose 150 points if you collect the wrong waste item. Power ups with increased time and correctly sorted waste help complete the levels to enter the Ranking. Tips and trivia about recycling make the game fun, interesting and educational.
The game is available for any type of touch screen display connected to a PC. The game is optimized to be used on interactive table devices or on wall landscapes.

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flash_on flash_on flash_on flash_on flash_on

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Players Number 1-3
Games Languages IT
Interactive Table Interactive wall
flash_on flash_on flash_on flash_on flash_on


Players Number 1-2
Games Languages IT
Interactive Table Interactive wall
flash_on flash_on flash_on flash_on flash_on


Players Number 1-2
Games Languages IT - EN
Interactive Table Interactive wall


To create your own interactive area with Game Suite, all you need a PC with 64bits and Windows 10. Choose the preferred game combination and ask for your FREE TRIAL: you will be able to play and test all the features of the suite.

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